Anniversary birds: 21500th budgie

On 05/11/2007 I received a message from Martha White who lives in the USA. She entered her budgie's name into my stats and Bo became an anniversary bird:

"Sadly, Bo just recently passed away last Friday. He was 12 years old, so he lived a good life. I inherited Bo (shortened name of Rainbow) from friends who were getting a cat. I had Bo for about 7 years. He added a lot of enjoyment to my life and now that he is gone, my apartment is too quiet. He would sing in the mornings and evenings, and make kissing noises in response to my voice. He never go very hand-tamed since I got him when he was about 5 years old, but I did enjoy his little antics.

One of his favorite games to play was to wait for my boyfriend and I to be watching TV and then he would go over to his treat dish where I would put his treat balls. He would then start to pick them out one by one until one of us would look over and say, "Hey, what are you doing", then he would stop for a minute, then continue until we would get up and pick up all the treat balls and put them back in his dish and then he would again pick them out of his dish again."
