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General facts about budgies

Budgies are small, frugal, and easy-care birds – at least many humans think so. Small they are indeed, but the further points of this short enumeration prove with the closer inspection as wrong. The frugality of these birds is not too strongly distinctive in truth. All bird owners who would like to keep these birds species-appropriately should meet its requirements ideally in all points. This begins with nutrition and reaches up to suitable accommodation. The small parrots are exotic and they have very special needs, which a responsible bird owner should be aware of in order to make the life of your budgies in human care as pleasant as possible. Everything else would be selfish and it would not do these wonderful feathered beings justice.

My website Birds-Online.de informs you about the various aspects and requirements, which budgies put to humans. In this column, you find all kinds of topics that are important for you and your birds in your everyday life. Also, you can find some background information about budgies. For example read more about how and when these birds became domestic animals, or how you can transport your budgies best with the car. Another important topic is how the sex of your little feathered friends can be determined. These and many other topics await you on the affiliated pages.
Learn more about …
Australia - where the wild budgies live
Budgies as a gift
Budgie escaped - what you can do
Budgie sounds from Australia
English and wild type budgies
Found an escaped budgie - what to do?
How old can budgies get?
How to identify your budgie's sex
Letting your budgies out to fly
Transport by car
Vacation - what to do with your birds?