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Health and diseases

The animal’s health is crucial when you’re keeping birds. Here you can find a lot of information, starting with details about the anatomy of the birds up to descriptions of specific diseases or health problems. To ensure an overview that is as good as possible, the health section is divided into subcategories. You can find their opening chapters further down the list. From there you can access the individual topics of the respective subcategory. Or you can use the search function which you can find in either chapter on Birds-Online.de.
I live in Germany and the original contributions were written in my mother tongue. I have taken care to translate them with great accuracy. But especially health topics are sometimes very complicated. Therefore I hope that the texts are comprehensible nevertheless.

Also, it is also important to me to mention that on many of the affiliated pages you can see images that can be disturbing for sensitive people and especially for children. Showing injuries or other illnesses of the birds serves to explain the connections. It should help you to be able to cope with the emergencies that may occur in your birds. Although it may be difficult to deal with such explicit pictures, I think it is important that you are familiar with it. Because then you can help your birds in a determined way in worst-case situations. And I assure you: The photos were taken for documentation purposes without torturing the animals.
If you have any questions about the health of your birds, please feel free to contact me. But please note that I can’ t offer 24 hours 365 days a year consulting service. I have a demanding job and bear a lot of responsibility. Apart from that, like everyone else, I need a little sleep at night and therefore I‘m not able to respond to e-mails around the clock. Therefore, in case of illness, don’t waste valuable time by just waiting for an answer. Take the following to heart instead:
My website is intended to help you to recognize emergencies and to give you support for the time after the diagnosis. It should not, cannot, and must not replace any appointment with an avian vet!
Learn more about …
General health topics
Accident-related diseases
Infectious diseases and diseases of the organs
Parasitic infestations
Plumage disorders and moult