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Infectious diseases and diseases of the organs
Birds kept in the care of humans usually do not get in contact with pathogens so easily as wild birds. Nevertheless, pet birds are by no means safe from everything. They can even suffer from infectious diseases if they are permanently kept indoors and don’t get in touch with foreign pet birds or even native birds. Because sometimes a temporary suppression of the body’s immune system is all it needs to change the situation dramatically: Typical germs found in the environment can suddenly strongly reproduce and let the animals become ill.
Because birds have an extremely high metabolism compared to humans, acute infectious diseases usually severely affect them. These illnesses cost their body an enormous amount of energy. Chronic infections can also be extremely exhausting for the animals. This is mainly because they are usually very long-lasting. Therefore, it is important to be familiar with the typical signs of various infections that can occur in pet birds as a bird keeper. Once symptoms are observed, an avian vet should be contacted as soon as possible to provide a reliable diagnosis. The bird doctor can also tell you if your bird is affected by a contagious disease that might be dangerous for your other birds, too.
Not all infectious diseases are equally dangerous, but they need to be treated in practically every case. Thus after the symptoms have been noticed, it is not advisable to wait and see whether the bird’s health condition will improve by itself within one or two days. It is also not recommended to ask other bird owners on the internet or Facebook for their experiences with home remedies. Most infectious diseases can only be cured if you apply a targeted medication. Also, the therapy should be started as quickly as possible. Thus, waiting for answers from other bird owners can waste valuable time. Bird owners who immediately consult an avian vet and maybe additionally talk to other bird keepers or look for information on the internet instead will be well prepared for the next steps of treatment.
In this subcategory of Birds-Online.de, you can find out more about several typical infectious diseases, which can occur in pet birds like budgies. The characteristic symptoms are described, the treatment options are outlined, and – if possible – further advice is given on how to care for the feathered patients at home after visiting the bird doctor. In the following list, you will find all affiliated articles. Just click on the list items to access the corresponding topics.
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Avian gastric yeast (Macrorhabdosis)
Candidiasis (thrush)
Cold and sneezing
Kidney inflammation (nephritis)
Liver disorders
Vomiting (crop infection)