Juvenile bird case studies

Important note: The texts and photos offered on Birds-Online.de regarding the health and diseases of birds are meant as a source of information. Please always take your ill birds to an avian vet as fast as you can!

This page shows pictures of juvenile birds suffering from  PBFD (Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease). All of these budgies were on average seven weeks old. The pictures were kindly provided by a breeder. However, he wishes to be anonymous. I respect this request, which is why I will not contact him if you have any questions. The birds shown here were all euthanized by his vet shortly after the photos had been taken. This happened at the breeder’s request because he considered the possibility of transferring the young birds to budgie flocks infected with PBFD to be unacceptable. My personal decision would have been different, I would not have had the birds killed. But that’s another topic, this is about the case studies.

The quality of the pictures is not ideal, but I have nevertheless decided to show them here. On the one hand, you can see what young budgies suffering from PBFD look like. And on the other hand, the young birds hopefully did not die in vain, as the photos will make one or the other breeder be more careful and have their flock checked for a previously undetected PBFD disease before starting to breed.

A juvenile budgie suffering from PBFD.

A juvenile budgie suffering from PBFD.

A juvenile budgie suffering from PBFD.

A juvenile budgie suffering from PBFD.

A juvenile budgie suffering from PBFD.

A juvenile budgie suffering from PBFD.

A juvenile budgie suffering from PBFD.

A juvenile budgie suffering from PBFD.

A juvenile budgie suffering from PBFD.

A juvenile budgie suffering from PBFD.