
Between June and August, you can find flowering Timothy (Phleum pratense) in Central Europe. Shortly after flowering, the half-ripe seeds are formed. This plant species, which belongs to the grass family (Poaceae), grows on fertile, nutrient-rich soils and reaches a height of 30 cm to 100 cm. The pseudo-spike at the top of the stalks is usually between 10 cm and 30 cm long. Another name for this plant species is meadow cat’s-tail.

Many pet birds like to eat this type of grass when it is half ripe after a short acclimatization period. To preserve them for the winter, you can either dry or freeze the half-ripe seed heads; the latter is the better option because many birds do not like to eat dried grasses.

Timothy (Phleum pratense)
Timothy (Phleum pratense)
Timothy (Phleum pratense)
Timothy (Phleum pratense)

You can find more photos of this species on NABU-naturgucker.de (German website, but also available in English language).

German – English translation: Sarah Wiechers