Wood millet

Wood millet (Milium effusum)
Wood millet (Milium effusum)

The name of the wood millet (Milium effusum) refers to its preferred habitat, damp woodlands. Another common name is American milletgrass. This species can be found in such places all across Central Europe. It likes shady areas and can grow to heights of over 50 cm.

The panicles of this species which belongs to the family of grasses (Poaceae) are large and overhanging, while the single spikelets are rather small. Half-ripe seeds can be collected from April or May to June. This stage is preferred by pet birds, but ripe seeds can also be offered to them. Half-ripe wood millet can be frozen to conserve it for the winter.

You can find more photos of this species on NABU-naturgucker.de (German website, but also available in English language).

German – English translation: Sarah Wiechers