Berries and stone fruits

Black elder is one of the plants that can be found in many places in Central Europe
Black elder is one of the plants that can be found in many places in Central Europe

From summer onwards, ripe berries and stone fruits can be picked in nature in Central Europe. Depending on the plant species, they can be found until autumn. Most parakeets and parrots as well as other pet birds love the juicy fruits of many trees and shrubs. Most fruits from nature can be frozen for the winter so that you always have the popular treats for your birds at hand. But keep in mind: Don’t pick too many berries, because wild birds need them as food for autumn and winter.

In addition to descriptions of edible berries and stone fruits, you will also find some information on poisonous berries in the attached chapters.

If you feel that a description of a plant species should be added, please email me. I would be particularly pleased to receive information with photos.

Description of some berries and stone fruits

Black elder (Sambucus nigra)

Black elder (Sambucus nigra)

Information about black elder
Black mulberry (Morus nigra)

Black mulberry (Morus nigra)

Information about black mulberry
Scarlet firethorn (Pyracantha coccinea)

Scarlet firethorn (Pyracantha coccinea)

Information about scarlet firethorn
White dogwood (Cornus alba)

White dogwood (Cornus alba)

Information about white dogwood
White Mulberry (Morus alba)

White Mulberry (Morus alba)

Information about white mulberry