Wheat grass

Wheat grass a few days after sprouting.
Wheat grass a few days after sprouting

Wheat grass is a healthy treat for pet birds and is easy to grow yourself from germinable wheat grains (article only available in German) – all year round. In the summer months it can be grown outside, in winter a place indoors is also suitable. Wheat grass contains many valuable ingredients such as vitamins and minerals. Growing these tender fodder plants is very simple: wheat, preferably organic quality from a health food store or drugstore, is first washed in a sieve and then soaked in cold water for around four hours. The grains are then placed in a sieve, rinsed again and then the sieve must be hung in a large container, for example in a bowl, so that air can reach the wheat grains from below. There should be a cover on top so that the grains are not covered with dust. Wheat also germinates better in the dark than in full daylight.

After a few hours, the germination process begins in the soaked wheat and after 24 to 48 hours the first small seedlings appear, which later become roots, and some time later the tiny beginnings of the first leaves and the stem of the future wheat plant. During the germination process, the grains should be rinsed with cold running water approximately every twelve hours to prevent mold infestation. The sieve should then be stored hanging again to prevent waterlogging around the grains, as this could lead to rotting.

The tender greens can be fed after about 48 hours. If you like, you can let it sprout a little longer, i.e. three to four days. But be careful, the roots become very stable in this short time and you can hardly remove them from the sieve. If a plastic sieve is used, in the worst case it can no longer be used. Metal sieves are more suitable because they can often be cleaned again with very hot water and the wheat roots can be detached from them.

The soaked wheat starts to sprout
The soaked wheat starts to sprout
Two days after the first sprouts have appeared on wheat, delicate grass shoots show up
Two days after the first sprouts have appeared on wheat, delicate grass shoots show up
After seven days, the wheat grass is already more than 5 cm tall
After seven days, the wheat grass is already more than 5 cm tall
The amazingly strong roots of the wheat grass are difficult to detach from a plastic sieve after a few days
The amazingly strong roots of the wheat grass are difficult to detach from a plastic sieve after a few days

How to serve wheat grass

Sprouted wheat with chopped fresh wheat grass
Sprouted wheat with chopped fresh wheat grass

It is best to cut the grass directly above the grains and serve it on a plate or mixed in with other sprouted seeds or fresh food. Since wheat grass dries out quite quickly, any leftovers that have not been eaten should be removed after a few hours.

You can also place the sieve with the tender little plants so that the birds can eat them.

German – English translation: Sarah Wiechers